Xinxiang Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park the fourth site promotion will be held in Henan new pigeon Motorcycle Co., LTD.!

On August 16, 2019, Xinxiang Mayor Wang Dengxi, Deputy Mayor Yan Wenhua and other municipal and district governments visited Henan New Pigeon Motorcycle Co., LTD., and held the fourth on-site promotion meeting of the city's advanced manufacturing Professional Park in the lecture Hall Building No. 2. First, the delegation visited the production line of the new pigeon assembly workshop. When entering the workshop door, the new pigeon independently developed and produced caravan attracted the attention of the team. Mr. Li Wenping, Chairman of the group, introduced the new pigeon's safety car series, nine safety advantages. Chairman Li Wenping and Vice President Tao Yifan respectively reported to Mayor Wang the current production plan of the new pigeon products and the overall development plan for the future. After visiting the production site, the delegation listened to a report by President Tao on the current development status of the new pigeon and the innovation carried out in three aspects: First of all, innovative ideas, grasp the potential demand of the market, forward-looking technology research and development and product updates, always stand at the forefront of the market; Secondly, equipment innovation, industry-leading smart environmental protection factory and new investment of more than 3 million yuan in welding dust removal and purification system have declared the company's environmental responsibility to society; The third is product innovation, with strong research and development strength, and can iterate products at the fastest speed to meet the diversified needs of the market. Mayor Wang highly praised the innovative behavior of the new pigeons and the fully automatic production line, and he believes that the new pigeons have undergone very gratifying changes during the year. The company not only further develops and grows, but also makes remarkable achievements in the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and is a model of advanced manufacturing industry!

Congratulations to the Thai business delegation and Henan New Pigeon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. exchange meeting a complete success!

On the morning of August 23, 2019, a business delegation of more than 20 outstanding Thai managers from Thailand entered Henan New Pigeon Motorcycle Co 郭总对代表团的访问表示热烈的欢迎并致辞,在国家“一带一路”海外发展战略背景下,新鸽公司海外营销网络已覆盖全球30多个国家和地区,获得了消费者和合作伙伴的认可。新鸽与全球客商及多品牌,开展多方面的的合作,达成了双赢共进的友好局面。 同时郭总对新鸽车辆在针对泰国市场产品研发、技术研究方向做了介绍,自由交流环节,双发就彼此关注的话题进行互动。 新鸽车辆海外事业部赵建国部长随后同代表团一行参观总装车间及生8产线,赵部长介绍了新鸽车辆目前的主要产品、优势特点。 高效率的全自动化生产车间及多品类车型也改变了他们对内地生产制造企业陈旧的观念,对新鸽车辆的发展趋势给予了高度评价。参观中代表团用手机记录下他们感受的一切,而且不断的询问了解了企业对泰国市场形势的定位,希望得到互相的帮助支持与合作。 据悉,此次活动是泰国商务代表团在中国参观考察的一部分。近年来,在“一带一路”框架下的中泰经济联系日趋紧密。此次参观考察,不仅增进了泰国对中国制造企业商业文化的了解,也对提升新鸽车辆的国际知名度有着非常积极的推动作用。 未来3-5年内,河南新鸽摩托车有限公司不但全面发展对外贸易,还将在非洲、南亚、东南亚,南美等建立研发中心和海外工厂,进一步深化全球产业布局,更好的为全球市场服务。

New pigeon company adheres to the business philosophy of excellence.

Henan new Pigeon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. was founded in 1987, is a research and development, production, sales as one of the modern large-scale enterprises.

Congratulations on the new website

Henan new Pigeon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. was founded in 1987, is a research and development, production, sales as one of the modern large-scale enterprises.

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